
TPT Digital helps generate over 26,000 leads from paid ads alone for Citrix.



The Challenge

Citrix wanted to scale strategy and execution of paid media tactics across multiple platforms and markets (Japan, China, Korea, Australia, Singapore, India, and Hong Kong).

Japan, China, Korea, Australia, Singapore, India, and Hong Kong


The Solution

In-market, native channel and platform specialists analyzed industry and market benchmarks and recommended the best allocation of budget and execution of strategy, coordinated by APAC account strategists.

The Results

By working closely with TPT Digital, Citrix saw big increases in their impressions, reach, clicks, views, and most importantly, leads.

Million Impressions

Million Reaches

Million Clicks & Views

New Leads


Latest Resources

Take a look at our latest blogs and podcast episodes on all things digital marketing.

Case Study: Pan Pacific Hotel Group

In order to expand its reach in China, Singapore-based Pan Pacific Hotels Group needed to optimize its website's pages for Baidu—China's leading search engine.

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Case Study: Visit Estonia

TPT Digital was selected by Visit Estonia to help its digital team boost website visits and engagement from Germany and Finland through search-driven content strategy and technical SEO support.

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Case Study: Seaside Hotels

TPT Digital partnered with Seaside Hotels as the global content and SEO agency selected for their Palm Beach and Los Jameos website relaunches. Seaside Hotels wanted to optimize the new websites in all key European languages.

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